Monday - Sunday: 10.00 - 22.00 | Also open on public holidays

Meaning Of Tantra & Its Origin

MEANING OF TANTRA & ITS ORIGIN ​ The term Tantra is derived from two Sanskrit words: Ta (Tanoti), which signifies expansion, and Tra (Trayati), which denotes liberation.

Consequently, Tantra can be understood as "an instrument (tra) for expansion (tan)". This concept entails the expansion of the mind and the liberation of energy from its material form. The objective of Tantra is to intertwine our individual energy with the universal energy.

The Concept of Duality in Tantra

Tantra embraces the idea of duality as the catalyst for life's creation: positive-negative, light-dark, male-female, energy-matter, sex-spirit, and so on. When this duality ceases to be a conflict where one aspect denies the other, and instead, we accept and comprehend our own duality, life becomes a joyous dance of celebration.

Tantra teaches us to expand our consciousness and embrace all facets of our duality. Tantra embraces contradictions and recognizes that duality is an inherent part of life. It acknowledges the body as the divine temple since everything originates from the same source. (Quantum physics has also arrived at a similar conclusion, stating that energy and matter are different manifestations of the same entity).

The Concept of Duality in Tantra

Tantra embraces the idea of duality as the catalyst for life's creation: positive-negative, light-dark, male-female, energy-matter, sex-spirit, and so on. When this duality ceases to be a conflict where one aspect denies the other, and instead, we accept and comprehend our own duality, life becomes a joyous dance of celebration.

Tantra teaches us to expand our consciousness and embrace all facets of our duality. Tantra embraces contradictions and recognizes that duality is an inherent part of life. It acknowledges the body as the divine temple since everything originates from the same source. (Quantum physics has also arrived at a similar conclusion, stating that energy and matter are different manifestations of the same entity).

Undoubtedly, Tantra is a holistic path towards spiritual liberation (enlightenment), which encompasses all aspects of embodiment, including sex.

The Misconception of Tantra Massage

However, it is important to note that much of what is currently taught as Tantra in the Western world does not truly align with its authentic principles. Tantra Massage is often portrayed, either implicitly or explicitly, as an ancient massage technique that originated from Indian Tantric practices. However, this is not entirely accurate.

Extensive research on the subject has not discovered any references to Tantra Massage in traditional, ancient Tantric texts and literature.

Nevertheless, this does not imply that some form of Tantra Massage did not exist. Massage, specifically Ayurvedic massage, is mentioned in Sanskrit texts dating back to 1,500 to 500 BCE. Therefore, it is plausible that Tantra practitioners also incorporated massage treatments, aligning with the principles of Tantra, which emphasize wholeness and completeness. In conclusion, Tantra encompasses the expansion of consciousness, the acceptance of duality, and the integration of all aspects of embodiment.

While Tantra Massage may not have been explicitly mentioned in ancient texts, it is conceivable that massage treatments were practiced by Tantra practitioners in alignment with the principles of Tantra (wholeness and completeness).

Such massages perhaps naturally included genital and erotic work, without explicitly needing to record the fact.

The Origins of Modern Tantra Massage

The complete body Tantra Massage is indeed a contemporary Neo-Tantra massage therapy. It is widely recognized that this technique was developed by Andro Andreas Rothe in Berlin, Germany, around 1978. Additionally, Andro established the first German Tantra institute called Diamond Lotus Tantra. It is important to note that the evolution of Tantra Massage did not end there, as there are now numerous types and styles available today.

Traditional Tantra is a spiritual movement that offered a path to liberation that is more rapid and available to people who are living in the world, not restricted to those taking monastic orders or becoming ascetics withdrawn from the world.

It was widely practiced in India between the 11th and 12th centuries. As opposed to Classic Yoga teachings, Tantric teachings refuted the idea that Moksha (liberation) could be attained only through rigorous asceticism and by renouncing sensual pleasures. Tantra is a universal method that could be practiced by anyone, even in daily life, with no divisions of caste. In the Indian tradition, it is regarded as "text, theory, system, method, instrument, technique, or practice." A number of means include ritual worship of deities, the use of mantras and mandalas, Yoga, Breath techniques, and Bodywork (like massages).

The Spiritual Philosophy of Tantra

The mapping of the body into a kind of spiritual physiology, cultivation of bliss, awareness, and identity with divine Consciousness. It regards our embodied state as an opportunity for practice rather than a hindrance. Your body is a temple.

The Role of Shiva and Shakti in Tantra

Shakti and Shiva play an important role in Tantra. Energy (matter) and pure consciousness coming together. Shiva & Shakti are the different sides of the same coin and are often depicted as one in pictures with one side being female and the other male. However, these are often misunderstood as the unison of a male and female. Sexuality is natural but in this case is mixed with spirituality. Together, Lord Shiva and Mother Shakti form a cosmic union that encompasses the harmonious interplay of masculine and feminine energies.

Shakti, which is female, is the maternal principle. It’s a universal fact that there is no greater love than that of a mother. Shakti is the source of both matter and physical energy, as well as of just about everything else. Her dance is the dance of the cosmos. It is identified as female energy because Shakti is responsible for creation, as mothers are responsible for birth. Shakti embodies the potential to manifest, the dynamic energy that transforms the formless into tangible reality. She is the creative force that allows the dance of life to unfold gracefully.

In contrast, Shiva remains unwavering as the observer. He represents pure consciousness, transcending the boundaries of time and space. Shiva symbolizes the eternal and formless nature of existence, serving as the unchanging reality that lies beneath the ever-changing world of phenomena.

Often depicted as a meditating ascetic, Shiva signifies the timeless consciousness that permeates all aspects of existence. He embodies stillness, purity, and ultimate enlightenment.

On the other hand, Shakti is revered as the divine mother, emanating limitless energy and vitality. She is the driving force behind creation, pulsating with the rhythm that brings life into existence.

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Monday - Sunday: 10.00 - 22.00
Also open on public holidays